Southern Comfort Foodish

Hey Y'all! 

Sometimes a girl just wants something starchy. So I jumped on the Cauliflower Mashed Potato band wagon. I know this was all the rage awhile ago. However, I just tried this out a few weeks ago, and after some tweaking, I thought I'd share my recipe with everyone. Once you add in all the goodies, it is hard to tell your are eating dressed up cauliflower. 

1 Head Cauliflower 
1 Pckt Ranch Powder 
1 Small Carton Heavy Whipping Cream 
Chives, chopped 
Shredded Cheese 


Steam Cauliflower. Preheat Oven to 350F. Once cauliflower is soft, place in a food processor. Process cauliflower to consistency of your choosing, I like mine as smooth as possible. While the processor is running, add in Heavy Whipping Cream, this will help smooth out mixture. Add in Ranch Packet and Chives, mix well. Place in a casserole dish. Sprinkle some cheese on top. Place in oven for about 20 minutes or until top is browned. The baking time helps evaporate any excess moisture. 

This has quickly become one of my favorite side items. It is a versatile dish, that you can dress up how you like. Enjoy! 


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