Pump Life

I have a pump! I know in time it will be great, but right now, it makes me feel a little uneasy and unsure. It is hard to let go and trust a little box, but technology is a wonderful thing that I am thankful for. Currently, I am working through finding the "perfect" basal rates and insulin-to-carb ratio. I'm quickly learning this isn't something that happens overnight. That being said, the t:Slim G4 is quite the device. I talked a little bit about it in my last blog, but here is some updated info. The touch screen makes it user friendly, especially in this smart phone world we live in. The pump walks you through most steps, and security measures are in place so you don't "butt bolus" on accident. T:Slim and Dexcom (continuous glucose monitoring) came together to provide an integrated system that empowers you to make better choices, thanks to the ability to see your glucose levels in real time. I didn't say blood glucose levels because the Dexcom portion monitors your glucose levels within the interstitial fluid. This requires that you calibrate the device with blood glucose levels provided by fingersticks. The more you calibrate, the closer your Dexcom readings will be to your blood glucose levels. This can get a little annoying and makes me not want to trust the device as much as a fingerstick. BUT it is really nice to be able to glance at a screen and know where you are at. This helps so much when you are trying to workout or busy working a 12 hour shift. So overall, I'd give this pump an A. The only thing that would make this pump A++ is if it was wireless (kind of like the Omnipod), but we can't have it all. 

Last night, Osman and I had my first "infusion set" change. I honestly don't even know if that is the correct terminology. We're learning. It was a comical series of events. Well it is funny now, but at the time, some choice words and frustrations were shared. Don't get me wrong, the training and education we received were awesome. However, the first time you take the training wheels off a bike, you're going to fall. After two infusion sets being ruined, we finally got it. We learned patience is a virtue, sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself, and take it 1 Drop at a Time. 

And because I know I've always been curious what an insulin pump site looks like, here you have it! To left is my pump infusion site and to the right is my Dexcom. 


  1. I'm glad you got your pump. I've heard such good things from friends that have them. Both said after the kinks were worked out their blood sugars stabilized with the pump. I'm working hard on my type two also. We will get this! Finally figured out my google acct. it has been refusing my posts

    1. Thank you, Susan! I'm definitely in the kink phase and it isn't the most fun but we will get there!

  2. Meagan, I don't know if my post went through or not but I have you on my prayer list lifting you up to the Lord daily, asking Him to give you peace as you get used to this new device in your life.
    Life gives us unexpected surprises but if we cling to the Lord, everything seems to go better and He allows us to be at peace, so my dear Meagan, know that you are loved and taken care of God who loves you and wants the best for you.
    We love you too !!
    Kisses to Jacob and our hello's to Osman.
    Sandra Heyl

  3. Meagan, good morning love. This is the third time I try posting some words for you and have not been able to go through. This tells you how old I am. :)

    It is until now that I have been able to read your postings and I am happy to know that you are having success with the pump now that you know how to use it.
    Since you are working on technology and I am not an expert at that, I can only offer you my prayers and ask Jesus to walk this journey with you. It is so much easier to walk this journey with someone who loves you unconditionally and remains by your side always.
    I pray that you find peace and acceptance in the midst of all this and that you can witness to Jacob you live your faith.
    Meagan, you remain in our hearts and in our prayer list. We wish you the best with this technology that makes life easier for those who need devices like this.
    Stay healthy!!

    1. Hi Sandra,

      Thank you for your words! It is so good to hear from you. I try my best to have hope in hope and faith in faith but some days are easier than others. Thank you for the prayers. Love you lots!


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