The Chocolate Buttercream Frosting Incident

So as much as I would like to claim to be perfect, I am not. I'll be honest, I was a HUGE emotional eater. You can ask any of my friends, I love me some ice cream or some frosting from cake. I was one of those types that would eyeball the corner piece of a cake or the gloriously huge flower made out of frosting and it would straight up ruin my day if I didn't get that piece. "Oh, you don't like frosting you say?" Just scrape that goodness on my plate. As you can see, I had/have a problem.

Well on Day 1, I had what I will call The Chocolate Buttercream Frosting Incident. Not my proudest moment but hey, like I said, I am no way perfect, and I had too much faith in the few units of insulin I had at dinner time. I was baking a cake and making chocolate frosting from scratch. Well one small taste, turned into "oh dang I got some frosting on my knuckle, can't let that go to waste." I kept justifying my little sneaks here and there. Well being a Type 1 Diabetic, my body doesn't really create insulin anymore. I'm new at this, okay? I'm used to having a fully functional pancreas. Well my few sneaks here and there equalled a blood sugar I am too embarrassed to type because I have judged those who had a much lower blood sugar than I did that night. So now, if I bake for anyone I have to have a chaperone. We all have triggers, and some beautiful, fluffy buttercream is just too much for this gal to handle. I tried not to beat myself up too badly. It was poor timing and bad choices, but I learned some valuable lessons here. Don't leave Meagan in a room alone with frosting, I just can't handle it...1 drop at a time.


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