Hello World

Hi There,

I am having flashbacks to the days of writing cryptic Xanga posts about High School angst but in reality this is a little more serious slash I am writing in complete sentences and using real words. It is slightly unnerving to "put yourself out there" but I feel we all have a story to share. My story is one I did not think I would write, but then again, here I am sitting at the kitchen table, belly full of lunch and a small circular bruise on my stomach where I just gave myself some insulin. My new reality hasn't quite sunk in, Adult Onset Type 1 Diabetes. It is considered an autoimmune disease. Only about 10% of the diabetic world is considered Type 1. It isn't caused by the food I eat but rather my body just decided it didn't like my pancreas anymore. So slowly but surely my body is destroying all the glorious cells that once produced insulin. My body has done such a good job at destroying its own organ, that I now require synthetic insulin to survive.

So, I am typing up this blog. I tossed the idea around for a few days and thought, what the hell? I write all the time, why not share this portion of my life with the world? I already blow up Facebook and Instagram with too many pictures of my little guy, Jacob. But hey, he literally saved my life and in my own, unbiased opinion he is pretty cute. I'm not sure if I will update daily, weekly or monthly. I will just see where the wind takes me. I guess I should say thank you to the inter-webs for giving me an outlet to cope with the days, weeks, months and years ahead. I just have to remember to take it, 1 Drop at a Time.

PS....if you are wondering why I chose the mantra "1 Drop at a Time" the 1 represents Type 1 Diabetes, the phrase itself "1 Drop at a Time" represents all the blood sugar checks I do during the day, and those checks tell me how much insulin I need. Just as mama always said to take it "1 day at a time," I now need to take it 1 Drop at a Time because it can be too overwhelming if I think much past that.



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