The Sweet Life ❤️

On this day, 9 years ago, my life changed for the better. A rather tall, dark and handsome man walked into my life. Literally. I was working as a hostess at a restaurant and Osman was a guest waiting for a lunch meeting. He walked through the restaurant doors and we had no idea what the future would hold. We shared a pleasant conversation and parted ways. Thanks to good ol' Facebook and a mutual friend we started our daily correspondence. A few weeks turned into months, and months turned into years, and here we are, almost a decade later, still talking everyday. I'll probably embarrass him by writing this, but I cannot express how thankful I am for his presence in my life. He has been the reasonable one when I get unreasonable about things. He is the researcher extradinaire when I become discouraged. He makes sure I wake up at 3 am to check my blood sugar. If it wasn't for him, I would be so lost in this phase of my life. So, Happy 9 years to my best friend for life. T...