Bon Voyage

Soon, we will be traveling back to Oklahoma. 13 hours in a car with a 14 month old really isn't our idea of a good time, so we opted to fly. Cue some anxiety. Part of me wants to keep my blood sugar close to 200 so I don't have to worry about dropping, as we trek our way through the massive Atlanta Airport. However, I know this is a silly notion because I am prepared.

Anywhere I go, I have my little diabetes bag with me. If I forget it, it doesn't matter how far from home I am, I'm going back to get it. I gifted myself a new bag for my 6 Month Diaversay. The contents are all vital for my sanity and management of T1D. This is what it holds: 

-My trusty glucometer 
-Lancets/testing strips  
-Alcohol Swabs 
-Glucose Tablets 
-Protein Bar 
-Glucagon Pen 
-Lip Gloss
-Listerine Strips (gotta have fresh breath)
-Insulin Pen in case my pump fails 

These are my safety nets. They stay by my bed at night and follow me on walks and to work. My coworkers know about my security blanket and so do my friends. I try my best to remind myself, the worst could happen, but I have ways to fix it. 

I guess I am most nervous about going through security with insulin, syringes/needles, insets, Dexcom sensor applicators(they look like massive needle guns) and having to say, "oh by they way, I can't go through your fancy X-ray machine because my Dexcom can't." I have a letter from my doctor and all my necessary pieces of survival neatly packed in a plastic bag, but I'm still anxious. I know I'm not the first, and I won't be the last, T1D to travel. I guess it is the fear of being different and the fear of flying that are all tightly winding themselves into a ball of anxiety. 

Thank goodness for the "note" app on my iPhone because this gal will be making lists galore and trying her best to take it 1 Drop at a Time. So if you can, say a little prayer and send some positive vibes as we travel, not only for this nervous mama with diabetes, but our little man, too! Let's hope the white noise on the airplane ride, creates a good napping environment. Fingers crossed! 


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