6 Month Diaversary!!

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and wouldn't it be so fitting that February 14th happens to be Valentine's Day and 6 years since Osman proposed? Look, back in the day, we were the royals of cheesy. When I read our post from 10 years ago, on Facebook's "On this Day," it makes me gag a little. I apologize for all the "sparking", as my dad so rightfully coined it, that occurred for all our friends to see on Facebook. AND February 14 is my 6 month Diaversary. As I sit and reflect on these past months, I am struck with how different I am, and how totally not okay I was with the thought of changing, but now, that is a different story.

When I was officially diagnosed, I asked the question, "does diabetes define me?" The answer today is no, but it is a part of me. In August, diabetes was my worst enemy. I wanted more than anything to hate diabetes with my entire being. However, in this moment, diabetes is my friend. I decided we are stuck together for life, so we may as well like each other. Sure, there are days I'd like to punch diabetes right square in the eyes, but I know I have my days, too. Sure Diabetes has taken some things away from me, but it has simultaneously affected my life positively in the following ways:

1. I'm healthier. 
-I eat a more balanced diet.
-I don't have ice cream every night, still mourning this one a bit.
-I practice yoga 3-5 days a week and have mastered the Crane Pose, Warrior 3, and Tree Pose-all without falling over while desperately grabbing for the wall.
-I'm running again!! Sure it is a woggle (jog+walk = woggle, term coined by my friend, Chelsea, in High School) but at least I'm doing it!
2. I'm kinda okay with letting myself be vulnerable.
-I started a blog, which was always a dream of mine, but I was too scared of what the world would think, but here I am world! 
3. I've learned that trying to be perfect is too exhausting, nor a requirement to have a fulfilling, happy life. 

So thanks Diabetes,  Happy Anniversary! 

Osman and Jacob, of course, will always be my valentines but I guess diabetes and I will be valentines, too. If I am going to learn to love myself, I have to love all the aspects of Meagan. Whether it is wife, daughter, mother, sister, friend, nurse, animal lover, perfectionist, diabetic.....They are all pieces of me. It is so much easier to love than loathe. So today, taking it 1 Drop at a Time is a little easier than others. Happy Valentine's Day, folks! 

My Valentines! 


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