Bon Voyage

Soon, we will be traveling back to Oklahoma. 13 hours in a car with a 14 month old really isn't our idea of a good time, so we opted to fly. Cue some anxiety. Part of me wants to keep my blood sugar close to 200 so I don't have to worry about dropping, as we trek our way through the massive Atlanta Airport. However, I know this is a silly notion because I am prepared. Anywhere I go, I have my little diabetes bag with me. If I forget it, it doesn't matter how far from home I am, I'm going back to get it. I gifted myself a new bag for my 6 Month Diaversay. The contents are all vital for my sanity and management of T1D. This is what it holds: -My trusty glucometer -Lancets/testing strips -Alcohol Swabs -Starburst -Glucose Tablets -Protein Bar -Glucagon Pen -Lip Gloss -Listerine Strips (gotta have fresh breath) -Insulin Pen in case my pump fails These are my safety nets. They stay by my bed at night an...