When Bread Makes You Cry

I know Mama always said, "don't cry over spilt milk." But what happens when 2 pieces of bread, marketed for 5g of total net carbs each, makes your blood sugar spike in the 200's and stay there for awhile, multiple days I might add, because you are in denial and then it makes you cry?

Guilty as charged. I'm seeing red just thinking about it. If we were to look at this symbolically, subconsciously, the bread probably represents many of the food choices I have made, that did not have the best end result. BUT COME ON! I had a whopping, grand total of 15 g of carbs and I was climbing that Dexcom graph like it was the sequel to Chocolate Buttercream Saga, except it was sub par wheat bread and totally not worth the rise. 

At the end of the day, now that I'm not crying a river or seething mad, it was just a reminder that I can try my damnedest, but there are days that Diabetes is feeling snarky like I can, and it just isn't going to cooperate. It just gets old saying, "I know i'm trying my hardest and that is all I can do" and then it not work out. So, what have I learned from this? If there is a patterned rise for more than 2 days, maybe I need to take a look at the food. Not all carbs are created equal, even if they are marketed cutely.  Sometimes, I just have to let it all out. Ugly cry and all.

On a happy note, my eyes checked out great at my yearly opthalmologist appointment AND I got a free pair of Ray Ban  sunglasses because I don't need glasses, glasses. So hey, thanks for not sucking this time diabetes. 

Here's to a great weekend or work week. Don't mind me if I'm sitting in the corner, cussing at some bread, trying to remind myself to take it "1 Drop at a Time" and rollng my eyes in the process. Hey, I never said I was perfect. If diabetes can have bad days, so can I! 

Here is the bread.....


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