Peace Out
Hi there! I guess this is technically my first post of the New Year and January is halfway over! We hit the ground running with Jacob's first birthday and just haven't slowed down since. It is amazing, in the life of a baby, the difference a year makes. This time last year, we were getting excited over little sneezes and gas smiles and now, Jacob is cracking us up by his little mannerisms and attitude, that I surely don't know where he gets it from.
This past week felt like week 1 all over again. I guess more of my pancreas peaced out because one night, I went to bed with a blood sugar of 125 and woke up with a blood sugar of 225. My site was good and my insulin was fine, but all of a sudden all my old tricks weren't working. I had to readjust all my basal rates and carb ratios and I seem to be needing almost double the insulin I was before. Don't worry, I am not pregnant. Although the thought crossed my mind. I don't foresee any siblings for Jacob in the near future. It just reminded me that this disease is always evolving. It is making me more flexible. Sure, I unfairly took some verbal frustration out on my Dexcom, but I apologized in the end.
Over the past couple of weeks, I have connected with some "diamommies" as I call them. While they were pregnant, they were diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, and after pregnancy were diagnosed with Type 1. For a moment, I didn't feel so special but it is so nice to know there are other mommies out there, learning how to be a mom and manage diabetes all in one, not so neat package. It gives me confidence and courage to know that I am not alone.
It is my birthday this weekend! I have a new appreciation for birthdays. To live another year, truly is a gift. I will be 27. I have a feeling it is going to be a good year because 2 is my lucky number and 7 is Osman's lucky number, so I'll be double lucky. Too bad I didn't win the Powerball but hey, who needs all that money? ha!
Have a great weekend or work week, whatever it may be! I'll be trying to take it 1 Drop at a Time and hoping all my insulin adjustments last me awhile. Ain't nobody got time for high blood sugar, especially when you didn't even get to eat some cake to get you there!
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