
Showing posts from January, 2016

Adventure Awaits!

First, I have to divulge in my embarrassing, online for the whole world to read, moment. I write blog posts from my phone or my iPad. Well too many electronic device options, plus thinking you saved your edited work and then submitting your roughly written piece, that was NOT edited, for the world to see....Embarrassing! Lesson learned folks, if I think I edited/checked my work enough, NOPE! Go back and quintuple check your work, Meagan! Fortunately I caught my error and was able to make some necessary adjustments, but jeez! Makes me shiver with embarrassment. 9 years ago, I was of the ever tender age of 18, and preparing to take a journey overseas. I struck a deal with my parents, that if I graduated a year early from High School, for a semester, I could study abroad in Spain. I was so excited. It had always been my dream to speak fluent Spanish and see the world. Well the day came to say, "Until we meet again America," and I was devastated. Oh teenage angst w...

When Bread Makes You Cry

I know Mama always said, "don't cry over spilt milk." But what happens when 2 pieces of bread, marketed for 5g of total net carbs each, makes your blood sugar spike in the 200's and stay there for awhile, multiple days I might add, because you are in denial and then it makes you cry? Guilty as charged. I'm seeing red just thinking about it. If we were to look at this symbolically, subconsciously, the bread probably represents many of the food choices I have made, that did not have the best end result. BUT COME ON! I had a whopping, grand total of 15 g of carbs and I was climbing that Dexcom graph like it was the sequel to Chocolate Buttercream Saga, except it was sub par wheat bread and totally not worth the rise.  At the end of the day, now that I'm not crying a river or seething mad, it was just a reminder that I can try my damnedest, but there are days that Diabetes is feeling snarky like I can, and it just isn't going to cooperate. It just gets old say...

Peace Out

Hi there! I guess this is technically my first post of the New Year and January is halfway over! We hit the ground running with Jacob's first birthday and just haven't slowed down since. It is amazing, in the life of a baby, the difference a year makes. This time last year, we were getting excited over little sneezes and gas smiles and now, Jacob is cracking us up by his little mannerisms and attitude, that I surely don't know where he gets it from. This past week felt like week 1 all over again. I guess more of my pancreas peaced out because one night, I went to bed with a blood sugar of 125 and woke up with a blood sugar of 225. My site was good and my insulin was fine, but all of a sudden all my old tricks weren't working. I had to readjust all my basal rates and carb ratios and I seem to be needing almost double the insulin I was before. Don't worry, I am not pregnant. Although the thought crossed my mind. I don't foresee any siblings for Jacob in the ne...