2020 The Year of Perfect Vision

2020. I had high hopes for this past year. My family was recovering from the death of my father-in-law. We held onto this new year as the savior for our heartache and the chance for a fresh start. We started the new year off with a Disney Cruise. We came home, and all 3 of us fell ill. I'm talking fevers, shortness of breath, cough, and no smell. Sound familiar? I'm pretty sure we all had COVID-19. Here we are, November 2020, and we are about to go back on lockdown. My mind cannot even comprehend the truth while I make a list of frozen meals to prepare and write a grocery list a mile long. You know what really sucks, life for our 5 year old was just beginning to feel a smidge normal. All that said, I understand the importance of staying safe and limiting exposure, but damn, it is hard. So here I am, in the pity party realm. Our poor Jacob misses his grandparents. It's been almost a year since he has been able to see them beyond a screen. Thankfully, they are alive and wel...