What in the world?!

Happy World Diabetes Day! Happy and Diabetes in the same phrase seems kind of silly. 5 years ago, November 14th wasn't on my radar. I was still in the hope boat that diabetes would disappear after Jacob was born. Little did I know what November 14th would mean to me the following year. After being diagnosed, my world turned upside down physically, emotionally, spiritually. You name it, I was feeling it. Heck, let's be honest, I still do.  Since I've been diagnosed, I've been on a quest for answers. I want to know why, how, what can I do? It can be exhausting.

So, where am I today on this World Diabetes Day. I'm honestly shook a bit after some oddly spiritual experiences recently. First one was in Phoenix. I was getting a massage and the masseuse spoke some truths to me that I needed to hear. It was so eerily spot on, I asked if she googled me before my appointment. Then, our little family of three was eating at Chick-fila  and this woman named Sylvia with a completely serious face told me, "the Lord just spoke to me and told me to tell you to have a daughter." This sweet woman was SO serious. She and I chatted for a quite awhile, I told her we were one and done but she wasn't giving it up. Well fast forward, Osman and I are at a fundraising event and I jokingly said "if we when this raffle, we will have a baby girl." Well they call the name and no one claims the prize, but Osman and I are over here breathing in some air. Well, would you believe the next damn day, I get a call from one of the event planners and she informs me the previous winner did not claim her raffle prize and that we in fact won. LORD HELP US. Just a coincidence, I hope. I have NEVER won anything like a raffle in my life.

So where am I going with this? I don't have a clue. I will say that my life with diabetes has made me take a long hard look at my beliefs and I realized that for me, life isn't one big coincidence. Do I think everything is predestined? Not exactly. I'm not quite sure there is a bearded man in the sky but I know that love is force that connects us all. One of the biggest things I've realized is, there is only so much I can control. I won’t always have the answers but the journey to find them is just as beautiful. So I am going to take it 1 Drop at a Time while I try to live a life of love and grateful heart for the path I’ve been given.

This beautiful blue scarf and hat is perfect for World Diabetes Day. It was made my a dear friend and coworker of mine before we moved to Philly.


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