Ol' Faithfuls

It is July...I took a glance at my New Year's resolutions and decided, July can be another fresh start. Lord knows after New Years 2019 life was a hott mess. So one of my resolutions was to blog more, here we go. I totally forgot I had written this. Must have been around March when I wrote it.


As you know, our midwest/southern family will be heading to the Northeast this summer. I never realized how much I said "y'all" until I was speaking on the phone with our realtor in Philadelphia. Is it weird I don't feel right saying, Philly just yet? I feel like I have to earn that right.

Prepping your house to sale with a Fournager and three dogs is a bit of a challenge. There are lots of baby gates and "don't touch the walls" around here. We've started packing up non-essentials to make our home feel less like our's and a place someone else will get to call home.  I've been sad at times but mostly in worker mode. Ironically, the thought of leaving behind our washer and dryer breaks my heart a little.

Bear with me, I'm on cup of coffee number 2 but I'm serious. This washer and dryer is so much more than an early 2000's model like you had growing up. It isn't fancy or shiny but it gets the job done. I remember finding it on Craigslist. Osman and I were getting our rental house set up before our wedding. We were students, poor and thought, hell it's a great time to get married! We found a rental home on a not so great street, I'm talking the kind where the cops bang on your door at 3 am because they were 'called for some complaint' kind of street. But we LOVED it. We lived next door to the sweetest pup named Baby. There was an older gentleman named Mark that lived in this shed behind our neighbor's house. Then there was Ms. Sue and you know what is crazy? She would always call Osman, Jacob. I just remembered that. We'd help her change out light bulbs when needed. It was guaranteed she'd be on her porch with her yappy dog(s), I can't remember if there was more than one. She never said hello to me but would always yell, "Well hello, Jacob!" to Osman.

So back to this washer and dryer. I was sitting in my apartment and found a listing for a washer and dryer for $175. I messaged the seller and got her down to $150. We set up a meeting at the location blah blah. At the time, Osman had a Kia Sorento, so we rolled up to this cute little house and a very professional looking doctor greeted us. We tried testing it out and got water everywhere. It took us two trips to get both back to our rental. We man handled it inside and got her running.

Ol' Faithfuls successfully moved with us to our first home we bought. It carried us through nursing school, grad school, new dogs and a baby. It made the hike to Georgia and kept us smelling fresh and clean through all the baby phases of Jacob. However, in Georgia it will remain. I guess it represents a little piece of us.Well heck, it is us. Osman and I are definitely not perfect, but we work well together. We aren't the fanciest models but give us a task and we will get 'er done.

So, $150 Washer and Dryer, thanks for always being reliable. Be good to whoever gets to have you next.


Alright, now we are back in July 2019. Funny thing is, the home we bought has the newer version but exact model we had before. I think we are in the right spot. Now I'll be taking it 1 Drop at a Time doing that never ending laundry on Wednesdays and Saturdays.


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