
Showing posts from July, 2019

Love is My Purpose

*Warning! These are just the random neuron fires of my mind. I think there are many paths to reach your purpose. I'm just feeling a little lost on that journey. Enjoy the rambles.* "Love is the most powerful and underused force for change in the world." - Melinda Gates  I FINALLY finished one of the most informative books I've ever read, The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates. I honestly would do the book a disservice by trying to give you a quick synopsis of what contents it contains. Each chapter is as if you are traveling to another part of the world and witnessing a small glimpse of everyday life for other women and the challenges that most women in America would never face. That is not to say that many American women do not struggle with access to pre-natal care or contraceptive options etc etc However, I will say it was beyond eye opening, albeit life changing, for me to read her book. Promise, I am not trying to make this a political blog. What is also i...

Ol' Faithfuls

It is July...I took a glance at my New Year's resolutions and decided, July can be another fresh start. Lord knows after New Years 2019 life was a hott mess. So one of my resolutions was to blog more, here we go. I totally forgot I had written this. Must have been around March when I wrote it. *********************************************** As you know, our midwest/southern family will be heading to the Northeast this summer. I never realized how much I said "y'all" until I was speaking on the phone with our realtor in Philadelphia. Is it weird I don't feel right saying, Philly just yet? I feel like I have to earn that right. Prepping your house to sale with a Fournager and three dogs is a bit of a challenge. There are lots of baby gates and "don't touch the walls" around here. We've started packing up non-essentials to make our home feel less like our's and a place someone else will get to call home.  I've been sad at times but m...