Womp Womp
Today was one of those womp, womp days. I did a site change this morning and must have hit a vein because my blood sugar was stubbornly high. I tried to do a site change at work, and the cannula must have bent but not enough to set off the occlusion alarm so I had no idea until I took it out this afternoon. It was hanging out at a 90 degree angle, so my blood sugar ran close to 300 for the better part of the day. This equals cranky Meagan who just happened to have Scoliosis Screenings at work today AND an A1C test this coming Monday, so I'm on the glass half empty train.
BUT I came home and I have noticed that Zoe paws at me when my blood sugar is low and now barks at me when it is high and insists on staying beside me. If you know Zoe, this is not like her. The only humans she loves unconditionally are Osman and my brother, Thad. So I'm enjoying the cuddles with my unofficial diabetes dog.
So I sit here with Zoe on my knee and I'm trying to find that place of gratitude for all the twists and turns in life. I know when my blood sugar comes back down, the light will be a little easier to find and going at life 1 Drop at a Time won't be so frustrating.
BUT I came home and I have noticed that Zoe paws at me when my blood sugar is low and now barks at me when it is high and insists on staying beside me. If you know Zoe, this is not like her. The only humans she loves unconditionally are Osman and my brother, Thad. So I'm enjoying the cuddles with my unofficial diabetes dog.
So I sit here with Zoe on my knee and I'm trying to find that place of gratitude for all the twists and turns in life. I know when my blood sugar comes back down, the light will be a little easier to find and going at life 1 Drop at a Time won't be so frustrating.
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