What is next.....

So where do I go from here? My diaversary is quickly approaching, my A1C has stayed the same, so now what? I guess I want so bad for all of this to feel normal. As much as I try and stay mindful, it still doesn't quite work. 

I guess, at the end of the day, I'm tired of talking about diabetes. My doctor asked if I had friends with diabetes and I told him yes, and I love them dearly but sometimes you just want to pretend that you don't have a pump tail that falls out at some of the most awkward times. 

I can go to the pharmacy now without a week long breakdown. The other day while at the splash pad, I had on my mom-kini and my Dexcom and pump site were peeping out. A little girl asked what was on my stomach and I was slightly startled because for a moment, I had no idea what she was talking about. Jake understands when "mommy doesn't feel well" aka low blood sugar and it is like his little internal clock knows when exactly 15 minutes passed, because he will pat my arm and ask "mommy feel better?" 

So maybe I'm feeling normal? Site change every 3 days, Dexcom change every week, worry about the health care bill, high blood sugars, good blood sugars, low blood sugars, bad site, change site, try living life to the fullest AND repeat. 

I think I'm okay with this? If not, that is probably okay too. Although, life would probably be a lot easier if I was okay with it all. It is progress not perfection, 1 Drop at a Time. 

However, at the end of the day, I'm so fortunate to have so many supportive people in my life. It makes the day to day so much easier and life that much more worthwhile. So thank you to my village, my family and friends. You keep me going :) 


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