
Showing posts from 2017

I’ve been doing it all wrong....

Hi all! It has been far too long but I can’t say I’ve had the writing bug in awhile. It is way past my bedtime, but this School Nurse is on break. I feel like a kid again. The season just seems a little more magical with these days to reflect and catch my breath. T1D has been ridiculously difficult for me the past few weeks. Between lows that would just not come up and highs that won’t budge, it has been frustrating, embarrassing and just plain old annoying. So I’m looking forward to the longer evenings with family and friends, full of Christmas Movies, baking, game playing, you know the drill. Today, I found myself on the way to Atlanta with a few fellow nurses. A few weeks ago we had the bright idea to sign up for a Diabetes Caregiver class on the first day of Winter Break. I started the morning off with a quick insulin pump site change, that was almost a disaster because my medical supply company sent the wrong supplies, AGAIN. However, I found a rogue piece of equipment hidden ...

What is next.....

So where do I go from here? My diaversary is quickly approaching, my A1C has stayed the same, so now what? I guess I want so bad for all of this to feel normal. As much as I try and stay mindful, it still doesn't quite work.  I guess, at the end of the day, I'm tired of talking about diabetes. My doctor asked if I had friends with diabetes and I told him yes, and I love them dearly but sometimes you just want to pretend that you don't have a pump tail that falls out at some of the most awkward times.  I can go to the pharmacy now without a week long breakdown. The other day while at the splash pad, I had on my mom-kini and my Dexcom and pump site were peeping out. A little girl asked what was on my stomach and I was slightly startled because for a moment, I had no idea what she was talking about. Jake understands when "mommy doesn't feel well" aka low blood sugar and it is like his little internal clock knows when exactly 15 minutes passed, because he...


A year ago today, I got one of the best calls. I had an interview for a School Nurse position. As a look back on this year, I can’t believe it is coming to a close. One year of School Nursing has taught me more than I ever learned in college. I saw students with chronic illness champion their way through days that would break the strongest adult. I’ve given out band aids for invisible cuts and ice for bumps that happened because a table just happened to jump out and bite their leg. There have been critical situations that brought me back to my hospital days. I’ve cried and laughed, had my heart broken,  but I can honestly say this has been the best year of my nursing career. Every day I see teachers mold the lives of so many students and if you haven’t thanked a teacher this week, please do! They deserve a whole year of appreciation.  Nick Jonas , yes the guy from the  Jonas Brothers , recently won a Hero award for all he has done in the Type 1 Community. He said tha...

I'm Still Here

I've been wondering what to write for awhile. The month of December was a blur. We got to spend time with the Becker Family, or Papa, Gigi and Uncle Fad as Jake calls them, over Christmas. It was so good to see them all. Gigi went all out as usual and Jake  had three more people to play "big trucks" with. It was hard just having ol' daddy and mommy to play with after all the Christmas Festivities, especially when Uncle Fad made Jake's  bath like a pool and let him splash around until the water turned cold. But that's what uncles are for, right? I experienced my first extreme low, 38, and was totally confused, didn't remember anything etc. After that, my super hero husband should pick up some nursing shifts.  I think my words were "I don't know what to do" and flat out refusing to take my blood sugar because "I took it yesterday." I wandered aimlessly around until I passed out in another room and Osman was able to wake me and convi...