Simple Things

Happy Thanksgiving and I hope the beginnings of the Christmas season are full of cheer. I love the days after Thanksgiving. Everything seems a bit tamer, all the food has been cooked and dishes washed, I hope. 

I am happy to say that this year, I did not cry at the idea of Thanksgiving. I have past Meagan to thank for that. All the hours of research into food options and carb counting and crying in frustration were already had. This year, I simply pulled up my recipes and cooked away. Sure, it will never be exactly how it was, but nothing in life is. Every year there will be something just a little different, but this year I wasn't sad. 

It still amazes me how some things that seem so simple, so mundane, are what I morn the most. This Thanksgiving, I had a few lows and a couple highs but the moment that blood sugar went above my yellow line, I grabbed the pups and the boys graciously obliged and we power walked the neighborhood like there was no tomorrow. The sun never felt so good and not looking at my dexcom every few minutes was refreshing. 

This gives me so much hope that one day, I'll march into a pharmacy with my head held high, I won't be so uncomfortable hanging out in the 90's and 100's, and I will wake up and not check my dexcom for fear of what it will say. I will wake up and just be me first and a person with diabetes, second. I'm getting better at choosing to have control of what I can, and finding a way to accept or reroute the things I can't control. 

So may your days be merry and bright and I can't wait to take it 1Drop at a Time while watching all the Christmas Classics on a constant loop, my poor husband. 



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