Thank You

Today was our first, JDRF walk. It was so surreal to be in a crowd of people and not have a clue who had T1D and who was there for support. The occasional pump tubing peaked from a shirt or a Pod could be seen, but your guess was as good as mine. I was nervous this morning, but when we picked up our friends and got to the event, my heart was filled with gratitude. It takes a village to manage a chronic illness. It was beyond humbling to have parts of my village around me, whether it be in person or in spirit, all walking in the same direction.

So from the bottom of my heart, to my family for loving me unconditionally and supporting this cause, to my friends that were able to come, the friends who sent me loving vibes and the new friends I made today, thank you. You all bring so much joy and laughter to my life, especially on the days I need it the most. 

Today, I think the most striking realization was the number of people who work tirelessly to support those with T1D and the people affected by this disease. So today, I had the pleasure of taking it 1 Drop at a Time, with a heart full of gratitude and love for those who support me more than they could ever know. 


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