Nurse Meagan
What a week it has been! I never thought I'd say "happy first day of school" again. I've learned more in these past couple of weeks than I have in awhile.
1. On the first day back from summer break, don't put on mascara until after goodbyes are said to Jake....oh the tears! Being a working mom, no matter how much I love my job, is hard. When I leave Jake in the mornings, my heart is always going to break a little.
2. Teachers are amazing. I've always known that teachers put in a lot of time BUT they put in more than just work hours. They really care for their students. Not only that, they can remember student's names like bosses. I'm jealous of that notion, too.
3. I'm so inspired by students who live with chronic illness and the way they LIVE. I sometimes (always) consume myself with numbers and trends. I put on my diabetes goggles and that is all I see. However, this past week, I listened to my body more and looked at those numbers less and wouldn't you know, my numbers were better and I was way less stressed.
4. My "school name" is Nurse Meagan. I just love that!
I work with an incredible team of nurses. Our experience ranges from less than 5 years all the way to 20 years. I always loved working in the hospital but I think I've finally found my place. From day 1, I've been a lover of school and fresh pencils and now I get to be in that environment as a nurse. My heart is full of gratitude. So when the mounds of paperwork get a little overwhelming, I'll just make sure to sit back, take a deep breath, and remember to take it 1 Drop at a Time.
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