But Why??
Happy Spring! The weather is glorious in Georgia minus the greenish/yellow pollen that finds its way on any surface. But hey, I'll take it!
One of my New Year's Resolutions was to get my fasting blood sugars down to the 110-120's. For whatever reason, I would always wake up in the 150-180's. Which any one of my nursing buddies knows, in the hospital, this wins you some sliding scale insulin!
I have been very conscious of my CGM trends and adjusted my basal rates accordingly. If you haven't read the book "Pumping Insulin" by John Walsh and Ruth Roberts, you should check it out. Dr. Anthony, my endocrinologist, suggested I read it and I'm so glad we did. I say we, because Osman, my husband, read it, too. I was scrolling through pictures on my phone and came across several screen shots of my Dexcom graph when I first started wearing the pump. I guess your mind does a really good job at blocking out HIGH numbers. Thankfully for Osman, when I was so beyond pissed at Diabetes he would bring me back to Earth with some knowledge from "Pumping Insulin".
So that brings me to my fasting sugars. I have been in the 80's-120's the past week. I have been conscious about not eating at least 2 hours before bed, I changed my night time correction factor, per the advice of my endo, down to 90. These little tweaks have helped tremendously. I also have been meditiating 5-10 minutes every day. I am a HUGE Oprah fan, watch the OWN network, read her magazine etc. In one of her magazines, I saw she used the app, Yoga Studio. It is $3.99 but you get hours of different intensity levels of yoga and there are different guided meditations. This has been a life saver for me! I digress but, here I am crossing off one of my New Years Resolutions and I'm so scared I'm going to jinx myself or better yet, what is lurking in the shadows? Life can't simply be this easy. As a kid, I was the one always asking "why". I wanted to know exactly "why" something was. I can't say I ever really outgrew that. It isn't a terrible trait to have as a nurse, it helps, but in life, I'm not so sure.
So maybe my bestie aka diabetes is trying to teach me something new. Sure it is important to reflect on things, but maybe I should let it stop there. I don't have to have the answers to everything I should enjoy these blood sugar numbers because goodness knows the next drop of blood might not look so pretty.
So today, taking it 1 Drop at a Time has a whole new meaning. But why?? Haha, just kidding....
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