Communicate and then communicate some more.

This past week has been frustrating to say the least. It was my first week off orientation at work, we were short, and my blood sugars have been enjoying the 40's, 50's and 60's. I tried to think of a witty "even my blood glucose levels are ready for Fall" joke but I'm not feeling it. I'm so bad about communicating my concerns. For me, when my blood sugars are not "perfect" I feel like I'm failing. So instead of asking for help, I grin and bare it, shaky, sweaty palms in all, choke down a few deliciously, disgusting glucose tabs, reminiscent of glucose tolerance test, and bring that sugar back up. Remember, nurses make the worst patients, at least this one does. I think a lot of times, I feel like if I don't verbalize this whole area of my life, then maybe it will just go away.

Well today, I decided to ask for help. I'm so glad I did. I'm fortunate to have a doctor who cares enough to personally call and talk with my stubborn self. He made some suggestions, offered up encouragement and told me it was okay to experiment if it meant less lows. So as I reflect on this week, I want to kick myself in the rear for all the frustration and tears I caused myself. If I had swallowed my pride and just picked up the phone, I would have been in a much better place sooner than later. I may have forgotten to take it,1 Drop at a Time, but thank goodness for being lucky enough to have a do-over. 



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