It has got to be my fault....

Hello. This week has been a series of unfortunate events. From a sprained ankle while training for the Ath Half, to blood sugars that have hung out in the 300's, I'm at the, as Jacob would say, "What in the world?!" phase. My blood sugars have been high without eating or bolusing absurd amounts of insulin with meals. I went a solid 2-3 days thinking: -Maybe your insets are not long enough for your growing mid-section -Maybe it is your hormones -Maybe it is because of your ankle sprain and your current immobility -Maybe your insulin needs are changing If you notice a common trend these high blood sugars must be MY fault. I am not alone in this. My diabuddies do the very same thing. Of course our high blood sugars are our fault, why wouldn't they be? Hell, we stood the wrong way for a solid 2 seconds so that has to be why our blood sugars are high. WRONG. Y'all after all this, you know what was wrong? My insulin was bad....a whole dang bottle of insulin...