
You know the old saying: The only constant in life is change. Blah blah blah. Change brings so much to the table while simultaneously taking so much away. My mom always told me that no matter how good the change was, it was still hard. So in the theme of change, I thought my blog could use a change, especially since I was feeling more like myself again. I wrote a post on my phone just after the new year, right before our world started changing even more. I never got the chance to post it. So here it is: Depression is much like the waves of an ocean. It ebbs and flows with the tides. For a while, I could repress it and blame it on the changing of the seasons, but before long it gripped my life and held a choke hold on me. I continued to go to work and be the best mom, wife and nurse as I could be. At the end of the day, that empty, bottomless feeling overtook me. I didn’t care what diabetes looked like or the the fact my blood sugars went high. It was one less low to worry about. I ...