A Thanksgiving Review

Well we survived our first, low-carb thanksgiving meal and it actually went really well! My brother-in-law didn't even realize he was eating cauliflower mashed potatoes! Win! We celebrated Thanksgiving, today, so this post is coming to you a little late. Our menu included: -Turkey -Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes* -Brown Fried Rice* -Green Bean Casserole -Sweet Potato Soufflé* -Mixed Green Salad with Granny Smith Apples walnuts, blue cheese & dried cranberries tossed in a lite balsamic vinaigrette -Rolls Pumpkin Pie* Pecan Pie Peanut Butter Pie* * low(er) carb Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes and Peanut Butter Pie recipes can be found in earlier post. So I tired out some new recipes and stuck with some old faithfuls. My mother-in-law and brother-in-law made some super yummy fried rice that was low sodium and lower carb thanks to the jasmine brown rice and their talent in Asian cuisine. I'm not even going to attempt t...