The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Cry
Hello interwebs, I'm still around. The past couple of weeks have been an emotional and physical struggle. My mind was filled with immense feelings of doubt. My blood sugars were high, low, in the valley and up at the tip of the peak. It was awful. I would get low and overcorrect, then, be high and feel like crap. I felt helpless. My doctor suggested I read the book "Pump Life". This has been a life saver and so was Osman, my husband. On the days I was in tears (like the ugly cry, which was every day for two weeks), wanting to throw this pump I was so excited about, out the window, he would research the issues I was having. It is amazing how two people can read the exact same thing but read something completely different. So what have I learned? 1. It is okay to cry and feel mad. 2. Fast acting insulin is NOT fast acting....I now bolus and wait anywhere from 15-30 minutes to eat. It was SO scary because I felt like I was going to bottom out and not be able to get my...